EASE Lab is home to a group of talented PhD students and interns under the supervision of Dr. Boris Grot. At EASE, we work on exciting problems at the intersection of computer architecture, operating systems, networking and big data. Much of our research focuses on servers and datacenters. Why? Because extracting, processing and serving information from today’s massive datasets in real time is simply not feasible on today’s power-constrained edge and mobile devices. To make matters worse, Moore’s Law is at end of the road, which means that transistors – the basic building blocks of today’s processor and memory chips – are becoming a very limited commodity.
How do tomorrow’s computer systems adapt to meet these challenges?
Our research spans the entire systems stack in search of answers. To find out more, read our recent news and publications. And if you are a student, consider joining our lab.
Our HotInfra '24 paper demonstrates how combining diverse compute types can save costs while handling load fluctuations faced by online services.
July 2024Our upcoming MICRO'24 paper introduces a novel branch predictor organization unlocking hierarchical branch predictor designs.
Jun 2024Amna Shahab is now Dr. Amna Shahab. Congratulations!!
Apr 2024We introduce Hydra at SESAME 2024, a hybrid architecture that combines VMs with serverless for microservice load resilience.
Sep 2023Our upcoming MICRO'23 paper tackles the problem of cold microarchitectural state on a context switch.